Monday, October 6, 2008

Dreams from my father

Here my friends for your reading enjoyment, I present you with a source from which you may acquire that most infamous of all books, "Dreams from my father." It is in pdf format, it is available for FREE, and it loaded quite well for me. Phone modems may take a little while, but it just might be worth the wait. I posted a little about this book a few months ago, and in one of the comments, I said I would NEVER allow one penny of my hard earned money to end up in NOBAMA's pocket. Well, I finally got the whole book without putting any money into that crooks pocket. It is actually a piss poorly written book, his arrogance drips off every page, but you all know that is not why I am interested in it. Please feel free to peruse through the thing and pick apart ANYTHING that might be detrimental to the chosen one's campaign and pass it around. I would very much appreciate any feedback on things any of you might uncover. Here is the link to "Dreams from my father."

Warning: DO NOT read this book close to bedtime. It will give you nightmares and I will not be responsible for your lack of sleep!


The Griper said...

thanks this will be fun

MathewK said...

Glad to hear you won't be contributing a cent more than you need to, to the socialist coffers of Obama 08.

We all know if he gets into power, he'll be helping himself to the contents of your wallets and leaving some change if you're lucky.

Average American said...

Griper, you're more than welcome. Have fun if you can.

MK, you got that right. He does keep promising us that we can believe in change doesn't he. I wonder if I get to keep my whole jar, or just enough to jingle in my pocket?

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

Change for the sake of change for change's sake in the hope of change because we hope for change that will be change for we need change.

Brooke said...

Sounds like a bathroom read to me...

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Thank you ever so kindly for the Important Safety Tip regards the book!


Average American said...

Not the kind of change I want PCC. It's like a perfectly good sunny day turning to cloudy and rain.

Brooke, when you're done reading it, turn around, deposit, and FLUSH!!

You are welcome BV. I felt the need to add the disclaimer to stay out of legal problems.

Anonymous said...

Debate analysis: nobody won

Nobody won, however...I feel that McCain Lost by not winning.
Obama didn’t have to win, he already had a big lead. It was his debate to lose and he didn’t.
So in that respect, I'm sorry to say McCain lost.
Maybe if he had the support of the ENTIRE party if could have been different. But he does not.
Get your crash helmets ready. It's going to be a really bumpy road for the next 4- 8 years

Average American said...

Throwing stones, THE FAT LADY DIDN'T SING YET! I just checked the RCP poll averages. It sits at 4.7 right now. That is only just barely satistically significant. Four weeks is still an eternity when it comes to a presidential election. Just ask Al Gore.

WomanHonorThyself said...

no thanks I'll pass...I dont need the indigestion! ha

Law and Order Teacher said...

I read the first 15 pages and I am in the process of cleaning up the floor. This is without a doubt, the most self-serving piece of garbage I've ever read. Nothing is more disgusting than false modesty. I, too, refused to pay for this swill so you have performed a public service providing it to us. Nicely done. I return to my self flagellation, determined to read this book. Blech!

Average American said...

Angel, I always knew you were a smart woman. Save yourself the pain and anguish of getting through this book without learning anything except how egotistical NOBAMA is, which you already knew. Smart woman!

L&O Teacher, by "cleaning up the floor", I assume you mean it made you physically sick? Sorry about that.

Law and Order Teacher said...

BO is without a doubt the most amazing example of a stealth candidate in my lifetime. If you don't like a candidate's politics that's one thing. But if you can't figure someone's politics it is entirely another matter. BO is a puff of smoke with no definition. Because America is addicted to celebrity he has risen to the top. He has never said a thing about his beliefs. What a joke, but sadly it's on us.

Average American said...

L&O Teacher, better late than never. Stuff is FINALLY starting to come out now. ACORN, Bill Ayers, Reverand Wright is back , wait until we see just how fast that empty sweater unravels!