Sunday, March 8, 2009

Is Obama really Osama bin Laden-

Have fun picking this apart. Kind of creepy isn't it? Can you imagine if this was true?


Anonymous said...

Maybe a cousin??? Lmaooo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now if that had been Bush and Osama, i'm really sure there'd be some dumb leftists out there who'll believe it. :)

Anonymous said...

great post, he could be.

Average American said...

Emptysuit, thanks for dropping by. I just went over to visit you. Nice blog. I have your picture about half way down the right side of my blog. Feel free to steal it if you like, I did.

WomanHonorThyself said...

s'ok hun..he now wants us to talk to the moderate he for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

You should see Truth 101's blog today. Don't let him see that video of the Obama and Osama features. He may just stroke out over it!

Average American said...

Angel, he's for real all right, real dumb! He needs to get a clue. All he would have to do is use that frigging blackberry to read some of our blogs, that would enlighten him.

PCC, thanks for the warning. I'd hate to have to call 911. I'll keep the respirator handy and brush up on the old CPR.

a red voice said...

WOW - the physical similarities are incredible. - crazy!!
however the obvious similarity between the two is they both strive to take away the freedoms of America. One openly attacks violently and the other attacks our freedoms from within.
BTW -Thanks for visiting my blog -I've was out of action for a while.

Average American said...

RedVoice, while I don't for a minute believe they are one and the same, I couldn't resist posting this. Did you go to youtube to view it? The comments are hilarious! So many leftards got soooo pissed off because they thought this was serious. Too funny!

Ray said...

Maybe Obama is Osama instead of the other way around and the government used Obama as the Osama for videos and crap like that since he's so adept at speaking Arabic he could play him in the audio tapes too...Call Alex Jones...

This is a freaky photoshop tweak job and I saw the comments there before... yes AA the liberals morons get worked up over everything unless they think of it. (I know lib and thought is an Oxymoron, or just plain moron)

Average American said...

Ray, I know this is just a hoax, but just dreaming about the possibilities brings a certain joy to life.

Susannah said...

Oh. My. Word.

Now that's just creepy.

I mean, I know it's a joke. But that just makes my skin crawl.

(...but then, listening to Obama all by himself makes my skin crawl, so it's not saying so much...)

Average American said...

Susannah, he most certainly is a creepy crawlie piece of crap, isn't he?! I suppose they could be cousins or something.

Anonymous said...

Aldolph Hitler once made the remark..."the bigger the lie the easier it is for people to believe it"