The shit has hit the fan! Not all the shouting and violence is coming from the conservative side. See what NObama caused now. You really have to visit Gateway Pundit for a great write-up and while there, BE SURE to read the comments, they're G R E A T !!
I pretty much don't watch SNL It's past my bedtime
Everybody's still talking about Tom Hanks and his stupid spoof of a racist
MAGA supporter on SNL's 50th Reunion Special. This was stupid on so many
14 hours ago
Found more information, including a press conference scheduled for tomorrow in St. Louis. Here's the link to the St. Louis Teaparty.
I suspect there will be more clashes, probably purposely, to discredit the tea parties.
Beth is right. It's only going to get worse. We don't need to be afraid; we just need to be prepared for it.
Frankly, coverage of their thuggery is only going to make it worse for Obugger and his cast of clowns.
I guess this is what King Barry meant by "get out of the way," huh?
Hi guys! You can BET that there will be more. These frigging clowns think we are an angry mob, whipped up by the republican party and a few television commentators, but you and I know that is not the case. Americans BY THE MILLIONS have had enough bullshit from this administration and this liberal congress.
I will bet that not only will there be more physical fighting, but someone will end up taking it to the next level. I just hope it is NOT started by our side.
Throughout history, CIVIL WARS have been started by much less than what we contend with today. Sadly, I see a real possibility of repeating history because nobody seems to think it can happen. Be afraid, be very afraid.
This doesn't surprise me at all. Obama supporters are coming out to discredit the legitimate protests and in the process prove Obama's "mob" theory right. Pathetic!
I heard this guy call into the Mark Levin Show a couple days ago.
They have offered to go to town hall meetings to protect people, especially elderly citizens, from being assaulted.
From the blog: "If you're attending a Town Hall in the Baltimore Maryland, Delaware, Philadelphia or New York-New Jersey area, and are worried about ACORN thugs, New Black Panthers, union scum or La Raza members intimidating you, send us the date, time and location of the Town Hall you will be attending and we will try to get some men out there to make sure the anti-American counter protestors do NOT mess with you.
I thought it was pretty cool and thought I would pass the word along.
I was in the airport yesterday and was forced to watch CNN. They had an interview with a tea party organizer and the interviewer really browbeat her about who gave her the marching orders to protest these town hall meetings.
The lady tried to explain the Repubs or Limbaugh didn't organize it was just angry people who have had enough. The female interviewer seemed flabbergasted that no one organized the protests.
She was really puzzled that a lot of people don't like BO's policies. Imagine that.
Pretty sad when you have to have backup or protection in order to exercise your First Amendment right to free speech.
What's sick is that these morons don't seem to get it that as soon as they help King Barry and the rest of the Dummycraps that are trying to squash our rights get the job done, theirs are next. Just because they're useful "tools" for the left right now doesn't guarantee they'll keep any of those same rights after ours are gone. In fact, it's MANDATORY that theirs be taken as well, as soon as they are no longer useful.
Jenn, that poses a real problem. People going to these meetings HAVE to do the best they can to stay civil. With the media we have today, any problems will automatically be blamed on the right. I strongly recommend bringing a camera and capturing the truth if anything happens.
M.A., that is exactly what I am talking about. They may have their heart in the right place, but what they plan will most likely have very dire consequences. That mentality will hurt our cause, not help it. If I thought for a moment that people could go and just "protect" , the elderly etc, I would be ALL FOR IT, but I seriously doubt that it what would happen.
I have a picture I plan to add to my side bar that depicts the typical leftard that thinks this NObama bullshit is just the best thing since sliced bread. You will recognize it when I get it up!
Angie, you will like my new picture too. You are right, long term, this fiasco will hurt every American. Only the frigging illegals truely will gain from it.
we wont back down!HAVE AN AWESOME WEEKEND HUN!:)
Great video and comments!
You too Angel. You're right, we won't back down. We can't afford to.
Thank you Elvis, and thanks for dropping by also. I truely hope we can tone this HC reform down and get a decent bill out of it without half the country hating the other half more than they do already. I don't think anybody disagrees that some things need to get better, but THIS ATROCITY goes WAY overboard.
Bout time, that socialist has been shovel shit for a good couple of months now. Glad to hear people are waking up and wondering what all that stink is about.
Wordsmith, The DNC, NObama and his henchmen are pissing people off by not listening, by slighting them, and by pretending that the only people against this shit are right-wing radical extremists. When they do not listen, the next step is to yell. If they still don't listen----who knows whats next.
MK, I think we are in the beginning stages of an all-out cultural revolution. I think there are A LOT of people who dared to dream that having our "first black President" was worth the risk, who now realize that they fucked up badly by voting for him. I think that the pendulum is swinging back the other way and I think NObama and the leftards don't like it one bit!
Did you know the SEIU is using that video, just the shortest CLIP of it, because it's a LIE and any longer would prove it, saying that a "reverend from a Baptist church" was on the ground, attacked by townhallers? Instead of Gladney getting downed by THEIR THUGS? THIS IS GETTING QUITE AMUSING, Average.
And thanks for your comment at my place to DuKKKy...I appreciate that...xx
Z, yes, their tactics are pathetic. We on the right have to stay civil though. Two wrongs do not make a right. Sometimes it's just to easy to slam Ducky. Almost takes the fun out of it.
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