Monday, May 4, 2009

On the lighter side

In the beginning of a marriage, this lasts for about 40 minutes. Later, the time drops to less than 15 minutes. What is it?


Mike said...

I would say sex .. but thats too easy.

Is it the ammount of time spent on the toilet hiding from a spouse?

Angie Lee said...

Yeah, sex is too easy, but I think my toilet hiding time has increased in direct portion with marriage, not decreased.

It can't be the husband's attention span, since they rarely if ever peak at more than 4-1/2 minutes anyhow, pre OR post marriage!

Unless it IS sex related: Foreplay.

40 minutes of foreplay..... BWAAAHHAAAA HAAAAAAHAHAAAAAHAA

Only in my dreams! :P

Anonymous said...

This looks like one of those box canyon ambush questions. I'm not going in there ... nice try, though.

Chuck said...

I'm at a loss

Law and Order Teacher said...

I'm with Mustang. That's an evil question just setting up an ambush. No way.

Anonymous said...

Come on Joe, spill the beans, you're killin' us here....


Average American said...

Hey guys, I'll come back tonight or tomorrow with the correct answer. Good guesses so far, but not correct.

Angie Lee, 40 minutes of foreplay..... BWAAAHHAAAA HAAAAAAHAHAAAAAHAA. Right, that would be the minimum, more like an hour or two.

Average American said...

And the answer is:

Dinner conversation!

Anonymous said...

Ah ok, thanks Joe. :)

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Those males hesitant to answer are merely reflective of their TRAINING.


Average American said...

You're welcome MK.

BZ, right, well trained men know when not to let their mouths speak what their minds might be thinking. It's sort of like a man's survival instinct kicking in.

WomanHonorThyself said...

aw not in my house I never shut!)

Average American said...

Hi Angel! We would get along great then. I listen more than I talk. Must have been trained right I guess. Hugs back atcha!

Brooke said...

Ba-dum-dum! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO very much for your very kind words, I'll be around, just try and stop me...LOL

The Griper said...

mmm, conversation drops huh? must mean that the taste of the wife's cooking is an inverse correlation to the conversation.

Average American said...

Brooke, you've noticed that too huh?

Dude, you are welcome here any time buddy, anytime.

Griper, yeah, that must be it. Can't talk with your mouth full.