I have worked in two nuclear plants in the last few years. In order to enter the plants and perform the work I needed to do, I had to have an "unescorted Access" security clearance. For those of you who never needed a security clearance, of any type, let me tell you, this is one hellacious nightmare of red tape and excruciating probing around into every facet of your entire life. I had to account for every single day of my life while I was not working. If I was laid off for a couple of days or a couple of months, what did I do? Where did I go? I had to give non-relative references which I knew they would call. What I didn't know is that they asked these references for MORE references, and then asked THAT GROUP for even MORE names. I had to take a psychological profile test, which, if I remember correctly, consisted of 500 questions. The entire process took a few weeks before I got there, AND two weeks after I got there!
The reason I decided to give out that personal information, is because I wanted my readers to understand that I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT when I say that THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that NOBAMA would EVER be able to get the clearance that I got. Nor would he be able to get a top secret clearance, at least not if he weren't a Senator, or, God forbid the President. Just look at the picture above to remind yourself who his best friends are. This is the man that has B.S.ed millions of sheeple into believing he is the messiah. I do have to hand it to him, he speaks well, if you call B.S.ing speaking.
Not sure if it's on there, but they should have 'dead votes' on their too, for you know, all the dead people who are going to be voting for The One.
I'm glad you brought that bit about your security clearance up, because it's entirely valid. I wonder if anyone watching the Democratic Convention noticed that few of any acclaim actually stepped forward to say, "Trust me, i know Barack Obama and you can trust him too."
It might sound cheesy, but it's far more worrying that so few, if any, mustered the will to issue even that.
I sure hope there are folks out there banging away about his questionable (at best) associations from dawn to dusk. People need to be reminded and made aware.
Because this is worse that giving a all-access pass to someone without many references, this is knowingly giving the all-access pass to someone with proven bad references!
Can you imagine him being CIC of the greatest military this world has ever seen? Can you imagine Bill Ayers being Secretary of Defense? How about Tony Rezko being Secretary of the treasury? Hell, he has more disgusting friends than there are positions for them.
If you thought Bill Clinton dismantled the armed services. We'd be down to just the Peace Corp before his second year was done. Marines, Navy, Air Force, etc would be torn down on executive order.
Why would we need them? He wouldn't use them. He will "talk" to our enemies and they will do what we want just to get him out of their faces.
Why can't these Obamamania fanatics see thru him? Don't these Obama fanatics realize that having him as President would only usher us into Socialism?Don’t they see that his association with people like Rev. Wight, William Ayes, and Tony Rezko, etc mean something, and that something is not good? I'm guessing the Obama fanatics will never get this. Or they just don't want to. As long as they get a Dem into the White House, they don't give a crap who it is
I've also had a security clearance when I worked for Martin Marietta, which has merged with Lockheed and is now Lockheed/Martin. You're right. There is no way in the world Obama could pass inspection for a security clearance - and this is the man who many want to be in charge of this country?
Very good point here, Joe. I hadn't thought of that before.
Obama couldn't even qualify to be one of his own Secret Service bodyguards!
Good angle Joe, I never thought of this. So they ask you what you did when you were out of work. I'll tell ya what I did, I sent my resumes out, filled in a couple applications and went trout fishing literally every third day, BEST TIME OF MY LIFE!!! (dunno if this would get me a security-clearance though but at least I was hangin' with the right crowd).
My fear is that if Obama wins, the democrats will pick up more seats in Congress and he'll pretty much be able to do whatever he wants. It could be a one-ideology rule.
DD2, the leftards will never see it, nor do I care if they do. It's the independents that we need to educate. They will get it once they hear it.
Gayle, Imagine him with the power to push the nuke button, not that the talker ever would, except maybe at our quasi friend Pakistan.
Brooke, you are absolutely correct, he would not be able to get that high of a clearance. Remarkable.
Z-Man, I'm a union construction worker. My average job lasts about 3 to 6 months. I have A LOT of time off! Every break in service had to be accounted for.
C.H. that is my fear too. He won't have trouble passing whatever he damned well pleases. This country will go right down the tubes, ESPECIALLY if they get 60 Senators.
The Dems seem to be headed for their dream scenario, 60 Senators and a socialist for president. What the hell is wrong with these people who are going to elect this guy. As for your clearance analogy, he couldn't get a clearance for the military he will command and as for a police officer, he be thrown out one his ear. Oops, what a minute, in most cities he'd get a pass for his skin color. Read Huey Long and "Share the Wealth" group, because where we're heading. Sad.
I loved that picture of Dumbo.
Of course we can't trust him, but too many fools do.
It is ironic that you had to go jump through all those hoops and a man that wants to be president gets a free pass.
Anytime you try and educate anyone about him, they "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil." If you criticize him you get labeled a racist. It is just plain ignorance on their part and to think that they will decide the outcome of this election is just frustrating beyond belief.
Ok, blogger is being funny, this is my second attempt to post here.....
And yet the way has been paved for him. His supporters are standing at the ready, lining the streets while waving palm fronds. The Messiah is coming!
I just pray that Obama doesn’t pass the vote test on November 4. It stuns me that he is ahead in the polls against a war hero like John McCain. I hope the American people come to there senses come November 4.
"ESPECIALLY if they get 60 Senators."
As voters, we need to make sure that doesn't happen.
I've been looking through the news and there's this new obsession with a supposed connection between a McCain staffer and Saddam Hussein's regime.
This is everywhere, but you need to dig deep to find the stories about Obama's mentor of 20 years partnering up with an anti-semitic nutjob (Farakhan) to visit Muammar Gadaffi in Libya.
Don't you just love when hypocrisy and bias couldn't be more obvious?
L&O Teacher, it truely is sad. My hope is that we can still hold the Oval office, but I fear the Senate will be lost. I don't think 60, but close will be dimmicrats.
Conservative, I did too. I stole it somewhere recently, I forget exactly where. Why don't any of these cartoon pictures ever capture that snot on the left side of his nose? eeeeeww, disgusting.
Shoprat, the two words that come to mind are "cult" or "pied piper", take your pick.
Jennifer, I'm glad you stuck with it and got through. as far as his pass--"cult"--"pied piper"--and as far as racist goes, HE IS THE RACIST, not us. Fortunately, "they" won't decide the outcome, independents will, but we have to educate them, the MSM will not.
PCC, they see the messiah, I see the ANTICHRIST!
Johhny, welcome to my humble abode. I have to believe the polls are wrong or, if right, will be reversed shortly. We cannot survive as the nation we love with 4 years of "that one" in the oval office.
C.H., I expect the dims to gain a few seats, I hope it is 5 or less. As for the "Saddam-gate" affair, I'll have to do some research. This is the first I've heard of it.
Everyone, Thank you all for visiting and commenting. Brooke pointed out something very important. NOBAMA would not even be able to obtain the security clearance required to be his own body guard. That is one Hell of a good talking point when talking to your friends and acquaintences who you're trying to sway to vote McCain/Palin. I sure wish I had a way to suggest this to McCain before the debate tonight. He should definitely use something like this in his closing remarks!
9/11 was an attack against America and our values - the election of Barry S. a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama would be an inside-job!!!
This should be the biggest question on every clear thinking American's mind. I understand the requiements of getting even a TS, which I had when I retired from the Air Force. When I went home lots of folks I knew told me that the feds had been around asking questions about me, others thought I was wanted, well as you say he could not even qualify for a confidential much less the clearance to be POTUS. I don't think we will ever know how he is doing it, but it scares the hell out of me.
v8fan, good analogy. I'm still holding onto my faith in the American people to do the right thing. I think independents, who often times DO NOT PARTICIPATE in polls will save the day.
It scares the Hell out me too Old Soldier! I'm using this line of thought when trying to convert NOBAMA leaning folks into McCain/Palin supporters, with a fair amount of success. The media won't inform the public of anything resembling the truth, so we have to. All I can do is the best I can to get a few more HONEST votes for our side! If enough of us do that, we will win.
Hussein is still leading at this time...can u believe this?!!!!
Angel, I still expect to see a McCain/Palin victory. The polls are just numbers. Millions of independents don't answer pollsters, but they do vote. We'll see either November 4th late at night, or we'll wake up to President-elect McCain on the morning of Nov. 5th. Keep the faith!
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