Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Second American Revolution

Don't forget to mail your teabag to 1600 Pennslyvania Avenue on tax day, April 15th, 2009!


Anonymous said...

I am going to the Cincinnati tea party with hundreds of tea bags stapled to my clothing................. One voice one vote..........Everyone needs to get out there and protest!!!! And then do it again until our voices are heard.

Average American said...

I'm with you Coppurr, I'll either get a party going here in my hometown, or travel down to the state capital (125 miles). One way or the other I will attend one.

Texas Truth said...
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Texas Truth said...

My Lovely Bride and I am going down to Houston for the Houston Tea Party. I like Cpdcoppurr's idea of stapling tea bags to his clothing. I may do that.

Average American said...

TT, I'll be attending/putting on a teaparty here in my hometown and most certainly will have an abundance of tea bags with me!

Anonymous said...

What kind of fool would post what Carol Shea Porter's office did to protect themselves when something arrived in the mail. Do you have such a short memory as to the substance that was mailed to people in public office a few years ago. If you and your cronies are so concerned about what your public servants why don't you run for public office instead of sitting on the sidelines and insult people. Run or shutup. Love your "average american"

Average American said...

Anonymous, just in case you come back, although I doubt you will, I'll answer. I actually am considering running for office. I assume the substance you refer to was the anthrax scare a few years ago. I don't think tea looks much like it though. Besides, it said tea right on the envelope. I could understand checking it for pot, but they had the bomb squad there. DUH!!