Mother of Cole Victim On Obama:I Voted for Him I Think I Made The Wrong Decision. Well, here's someone who has a real good reason to be pissed off at NObama. There should be 17 families that feel just like she does. My heart goes out to her.
I pretty much don't watch SNL It's past my bedtime
Everybody's still talking about Tom Hanks and his stupid spoof of a racist
MAGA supporter on SNL's 50th Reunion Special. This was stupid on so many
13 hours ago
You can cry for these people who were sold a bill of goods, huh? Except WE're paying and the buyer's remorse doesn't matter.
I hope this woman talks her story all OVER the place...but she's dared to question THE ONE, so only FOX will get this truth out.
Thanks for posting this...her frustration needs to be heard..I hadn't seen it.xx
AA, uindescribable!!This is the tip of the Iceburg. If what I am reading from some of the journalist is correct, much under the table dialog was being held with terrorist, but we won't hear anything about this now will we???? Read "Jewish World Report"
The 17 families of the Cole victims probably didn't all vote for the messiah, but I'll bet all 17 are pissed off at him over this. You can also bet that a bunch of the families of 9/11 are feeling the same way. Thank God for Fox and the few other voices breaking the silence of the biased media.
Tapline, I just read about Blowhard Biden and his crap about talking with the enemy. They will sell us down the river, watch and see! Arrogant, stupid assholes, all of them!
That is a real ... real ... good reason.
Nice posting, AA!
I think we are on the verge of surrendering in the war on terror
This move is indefensible and it is only the beginning.
Great Blog AA, I'm all for people like you and mje who tell it like it is.
Wow, less than one month in office and already we are dealing with this. Its good to know what Obama's priorities are.
wow my friend..I hadnt seen this..good blogging!
"I think I made the wrong decision."
Donald, thank you for dropping by. I have to feel a little bad for that woman. She was bamboozled like millions of others.
Chuck, it doesn't look good. I hope we are wrong though.
Mr. Pink Eyes, He claims that they can and will still be tried. Ya right, in the U.S. and undoubtably with ACLU as their lawyers, sleazy bastards that they are.
Throwing stones, it's a hell of a job, but somebodies got to do it! Might as well be us, right!
C.H., his priority is to destroy as much as he can as fast as he can. He isn't the least bit concerned that he may be wrong, and of course we know he is, he just has to "change" everything yesterday.
Angel, thank you. I just happened to find it while I was googling something else.
Brooke, at least she realizes it now, not that that makes much difference after he sleazed his way in to the White House.
Obama has been President for only 20 days and already the Libs are turning on him. They weren't smart enough to think for themselves when he was hypnotizing them with his personality.
PCC, yeah, it's a damned shame that they are "a day late and a dollar short" as they say. I blame the liberal-assed media for that!
I am glad she finally saw the light. Now will she pick up the pace and join the resistance to restore the honor of her child?
Shoprat, just doing that interview showed a lot of people what a sleeze the messiah is. Unfortunately, Fox isn't watched by to many leftards, and they are the ones who need to hear this.
As for President Obama I know that he is a hard-core leftist -- and perhaps a neo-Marxist. I know that his agenda could drive the last nail into America' coffin and that it is a blow against all that is great and good. Thus, if I wished him success, it could only mean I hated my country, my fellow man, and God himself.
And to all those bloggers asking us conservatives to support this Marxist, I can tell them exactly where they can go.
PhantomMan, Thank you for the visit and the comment. I can not disagree with a single word you said! As far as I am concerned, he has done almost everything wrong since he got there, and even that may be generous of me to say. I pray we can survive the next 4 years, but so far, I don't see how.
I fully expect obama's popularity to rise as he doles out more and more of other people's money, however soon after than when the free pies run out, more will start to turn against him. If only they had the brains to figure it out prior to casting their vote, not after the damage has been done.
I feel absolutely horrible for her. Primarily for the loss of her son, and now that her Pres. has betrayed her (and the rest of us).
At least she's honest enough to admit that voting for him was a mistake, and she's damn brave to go against the cultural grain and speak out on TV like this. I admire her.
MK, I don't know about his numbers going up. I think all his promises are already built into them. It really is to bad that forsight is not as good as hindsight. We wouldn't have the messiah in the oval office if it was.
I respect her for going live with this, and well, she had plenty of company when it comes to being fooled by the slick one.
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