Monday, November 10, 2008

South Park - About Last Night ...- Season 12 Episode 12 p1

UPDATE: This video is no longer working, but you may view it in it's entirety here.

South park gives us a glimpse of just what the NObama cultists are really like. Coming from Randy and the other adults of
South Park, it is hilariously funny. In real life, it was abhorrent. The show also gives us a possible reason that McCain lost, ridiculous, but..... I had found this earlier today and YouTube pulled it, but I found this other version. Let's hope it stays up long enough for everyone to enjoy it. I guess Viacom complained, so if they see this one, the same thing will probably happen. If you like this one and want to see the rest, there is a part 2 and part 3. Double click this episode to get to the YOUTUBE page and look to the right under "more from: Wikkidawesomeness."


Average American said...

Hey MK! I saw this episode the other night and I just HAD to share it. I have always liked South Park, but this was one of their best ever.

dmarks said...

Quick. Can you name two famous political figures (dead or alive) who had their own official logo?

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Darn's gone already.

Elijah said...

I just watched it online and it was brilliant, a truly original take on the election. Download south park tv show

Unknown said...

In all seriousness, I love this show. This is the funniest adult cartoon there is, and thank GOODNESS Comedy Central took this series .watch all episode and download south park tv show

Anonymous said...

i watch south park episode 12 from this is very interesting episode.i like it very much