WARNING! Conservatives watching this bullshit are susceptible to hives, severe rashes, diahrear, vomiting, and a multitude of other life-threatening illnesses. The Average American assumes NO responsibility for your health or well-being. You have been amply warned.
I pretty much don't watch SNL It's past my bedtime
Everybody's still talking about Tom Hanks and his stupid spoof of a racist
MAGA supporter on SNL's 50th Reunion Special. This was stupid on so many
14 hours ago
Leftist bullshit is about right Joe.
Note how it's all about what you Americans can do, yeah thanks gasbag. Lefties all over are going to be most upset over this, they were expecting someone else to do all the work and share the wealth.
So many platitudes, it's the same with all these gasbags, feel-good platitudes and hot air all round.
You have my sympathies.
Sorry, I had to quit after he talked about the middle class not getting a tax increase, my sedative was starting to wear off. This is bullshit at it's smelliest.
He keeps this up and maybe he will eventually believe it himself.
He probably won't raise income taxes on the middle class but we will bear the brunt of his energy, carbon, and health care taxes. I've done some simple estimating and his $13/a week tax cut will not be enough to cover these other tax increases. I took a lot of math in college, IMHO this adds up to a tax increase.
I would like to comment of this video, but I can not bring myself to listen to this person speak. I refuse to listen to him on tv and any other form of media. He is an asshat, and has nothing to say I want to hear.
I think I need a stiff drink.
grampa, I am in 100% agreement with your sentiments.....I refuse to dot he same. When you see what he does under the radar....With no one speaking up for some of the changes we have in store for us as a nation....
MK, I'm afraid we need a lot more than sympathies, but thanks for them anyway. I wish I had the answers.
Chuck, I must admit, I cannot bring myself to listen to the man without a big, strong drink in me, and then, it is only to keep an eye on what is coming next.
Old Soldier, I don't blame you a bit sir!
Ah, a visit from the infamous Napqueen. I should be so honored.
Brooke, I'll join ya hun!
Tapline, that disgust you carry for the messiah is shared by millions upon millions of us.
Thanks for the Warning..
Sure enough, right about the spot where he said "We can't go back to an economy based on reckless speculation, spending beyond our means, and bad credit" I felt my bowels attempting to retaliate in a most violent manner.
Considering the fact that he and his entire administration and all his good buddies in Congress are doing EXACTLY that - and in an even more obscene manner than ever in the history of this nation....
How much longer before someone tells him to just STFU to his face?
Excuse me, while I attend to the rash that seems to have mysteriously cropped up in the last few minutes...
We need change alright and it needs to start by eliminating the political left.
DD2. you're welcome.
Angie Lee, isn't he quite the piece of shit. Spending beyond our means is the understatement of the year. That asshole is real good at spending OUR money. I get physically sick every time I see or hear him. Sorry to hear about your rash, but I did warn you.
Shoprat, at least the most extreme of them. I would be happy to see the political demise of NObama, Biden, Piglosi, Frank, Kerry, Dodd, and Reid for starters.
I'm applying the cortisone cream now.
AA: It's okay. I'm not afraid to risk a little rash to find out what kind of snake oil he's handing out - I need to do what I can to protect my country, even if it means bathing in hydrocortisone cream for a while.
You know what they say, about the best offense being a good defense!
PCC, you just might have to apply it LIBERLLY (pun intended) HA!
Angie Lee, I've never had a hydrocortisone cream bath, HHHMMMM. Might be nice.
Oh, shit, did I say that out loud?
Speaking of offensive and defense, let's not forget to send NObama his teabag on April 1st. Spread the word! I sure would like to see the White House get 100,000,000 teabags. Maybe the U.S.P.S. would actually show some black ink for a change.
I'm having some cold ones and watching NCAA BB. I don't want to ruin the mood watching BO. My Dayton Flyers won their first game and I'm living large. Kansas tomorrow. Bring 'em on.
LOT, nice way to enjoy the weekend, I don't blame you a bit!
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