John McCain may have just given the best speech of his life. He covered all the salient points necessary for a well-planned energy policy. Look for much more from McCain on this subject in the future. It is one issue that he kills Obama on. Here are a few selected paragraphs of his speech:
People are hurting, small farmers, truckers, and taxi drivers unable to cover their costs, small business owners struggling to meet payroll, the cost of living rising and the value of paychecks falling. All of this, in large part, because the price of oil is too high, and the supply of oil too uncertain. These citizens believe their government has a duty to finally assure the energy security of this country, and they are right.
Somehow the United States -- in so many ways the most self-reliant of nations -- has allowed and at times even encouraged this state of affairs. This was a troubling situation 35 years ago. It was an alarming situation twenty years ago. It is a dangerous situation today. And starting in the term of the next president, we must take control over our own energy future, and become once again the master of our fate.
What is certain in energy policy is that we have learned a few clear lessons along the way. Somehow all of them seem to have escaped my opponent. He says that high oil prices are not the problem, but only that they rose too quickly. He doesn't support new domestic production. He doesn't support new nuclear plants. He doesn't support more traditional use of coal, either.
So what does Senator Obama support in energy policy? Well, for starters he supported the energy bill of 2005 -- a grab-bag of corporate favors that I opposed. And now he supports new taxes on energy producers. He wants a windfall profits tax on oil, to go along with the new taxes he also plans for coal and natural gas. If the plan sounds familiar, it's because that was President Jimmy Carter's big idea too -- and a lot of good it did us. Now as then, all a windfall profits tax will accomplish is to increase our dependence on foreign oil, and hinder exactly the kind of domestic exploration and production we need. I'm all for recycling -- but it's better applied to paper and plastic than to the failed policies of the 1970's.
I once heard from a wise old man that "you know the best compromise has been reached when all sides leave the table frowning." I really could care less about "global warming" and he could have left that part out. I suppose this is the compromise I have to accept. See me frown.
I encourage you all to read this speech in it's entirety here. It is very well worth the effort.
Perhaps this issue will push him up in the polls.
Texas Truth said...
Perhaps this issue will push him up in the polls.
It can't hurt!
This issue should definitely help McCain, but Z has a point. There are a lot of STUPID Americans! How can anyone see Obama as even close to presidential?? He couldn't even be a decent Senator. Anybody can say "present" when asked for his vote. What a windbag!
Yeah nice to see McCain turning around on the drilling issue, funny how the guy waffling about change is the one not interested in actually changing anything. Let's hope that's not lost on too many.
Finally relying on our own vast and untapped oil reserves, now that's change we can believe in. Obama has called the proposed suspension of the federal gas tax during the summer a gimmick but so what if it is? Who really cares about the motivations of those who push it as long as the results are good.
AA, I like what the pres said in his radio address. Drill everywhere and use shale in ND and a couple of other states, Nuclear plants, clean Coal. and everything else concievable. He said the right things and placed the blame what it belonged and still belongs. stay well...
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