Hat tip goes to A Western Heart. Let's watch Obama tells us, in his own words, why he should not be our next President. It will be the best 9 1/2 minutes you have ever invested. After you have enjoyed watching him hang himself, please send this to all of your e-mail friends with a request for them to send it along. This is undoubtedly the best "silver bullet" I have found anywhere, and I've been looking for quite some time now. Let's use this "silver bullet" to kill the werewolfs chances of ever fulfilling his dream.
The bird flu recessionary president?
It's too soon to tell but Trump might be slated for this spot in history.
At any rate it's a far cry from his campaign promises.
19 hours ago
He never ceases to amaze me. Once again, however, the obvious will be completely lost on the Libs.
as one liberal told me it isn't what he says that is important but the fact that he is a liberal that is important. nothing else matters. and i think we are seeing this attitude in the polls
Incredible. This liar will say whatever it takes to gain himself the power he wants. Once he's got that power, what's he going to do with it? Clearly this enigmatic man has hidden plans of his own that we just aren't privvy to.
PCC, Nothing any of us can say will change the mind ofthe extreme leftards, anymore than they can sway the extreme right. Fortunately, there is a vast majority of the population that are open to go either way whether they be liberal or conservative. It is this group I depend on to win this election.
Griper, yes, I also think we see that in the polls. I also think that many can be swayed by genuine factual information, such as this YouTube clip. It is our job, and my sworn duty, to get this information to as many of them as possible. A non-biased MSM could have made our part unnecessary, but we know that won't happen!
Aurora, welcome and thank you for commenting. I can't think of many politicians who won't lie to win, but none as blatant as "the messiah". He has most definitely raised the bar for several things, untruthfulness, corruption, stealth, secrecy, audacity, and of course, the cost of the office. His true plans are the one thing I never want to find out about. Hopefully we won't!
Average American, I just put this on my site, with thanks to you. This is absolutely IMPERATIVE viewing for any thinking voter.
It's what we've all heard before, but it's succinct, shows clearly the confusion in this guy, and how he's playing us for FOOLS.
Thanks for passing this on Z. It is the correct way to present information to undecided and "leaning obama" voters. The only negative part of this presentation is the parts where Obama is the negative. I think people will watch it and get a valuable "taste of reality" about this guy. Since the MSM will not tell the story, we have to. This is one of those things that has to be shared with as many people as we can reach in the next 5 or 6 days. Please talk it up and US E-MAIL for all it's worth!
This is a fantastic video! Thanks, AA. I may borrow it for a post on November 3rd.
Semper Fi
Mustang, it's all yours. Anybody who wants to blog it, or mail it to as many people as they can reach is more than welcome. I'm sure Mr. Friess would be honored to have helped.
Is there any way you can send this to me as an attachment? milepost154@yahoo.com
If you could, it would be great! I'd post it on my blog!
good grief..who can believe this..this authoritarian monster is so close to being our president?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Incredible video! I will certainly be passing it along and hopefully we can grab a few peoople that haven't been drinking the kool aid along the way!
Oh, I also pasted it on my webpage, of course linked back to you! :-)
BZ, I just e-mailed it to you, I also had just put it in a comment at your blog. Thank you for your help spreading the word.
Angel, he's so close and yet so far away. We still have 5 days to make a difference, and I am confident that we will indeed make a difference!
Jenn, thank you so much. I feel confident that we can and will make a difference in the next 5 days. I have not seen anyone build a better case for the right side than Foster Friess did. That is why I am pushing this clip non-stop. Blogging it will help immensely, but getting everyone to use their e-mail and asking that it be forwarded will be the real key for success. We can easily saturate the entire country in 5 days.
Thank you again everyone for assisting in promoting this clip. It has some great potential to grab votes!
AA, Great Video....I still don't get it...He has offered nothing of substance....and yet.....Its like a cult following. If he does get in what a rude awakening for his followeres.......stay well....
Tapline, nice to see you. You got back just in time for the 30 minute NObamamercial , right? What a piece of work uh? Thanks for dropping by.
Thanks for the hat tip Joe, much appreciated.
There is no logical reason to vote for the man. He has said things that should have everyone in the country up in arms.
Mk, no problem, you deserved the credit for this great find.
Shoprat, there are a lot of people out there who seem to have selective hearing. Add to that a rather dismal showing sometimes from our campaign, and we end up with the polls as they are. I think the tide is going to turn however, and we will prevail.
If Obama hasn't given you enough reasons from his own lips by now, you're probably a brainless leftist...
Brooke, brainless indeed. There seems to be a lot of that going around these days, hopefully not enough for NObama to win though.
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