BAGHDAD – Iraq's Cabinet overwhelmingly approved a security pact with the United States on Sunday, ending prolonged negotiations to allow American forces to remain for three more years in the country they first occupied in 2003.
The deal detailing the conditions of the U.S. presence still needs parliamentary approval, and lawmakers could vote as soon as Nov. 24. For Iraqis, the breakthrough was bittersweet because they won concessions from the Americans but must accept the presence of U.S. troops until 2012.
"It's the best possible, available option," said government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh. He was referring to the conflict between Iraq's desire for full sovereignty and control over security and its need for American support and cooperation to achieve that goal.
Al-Dabbagh described the pact — intended to supplant the U.N. mandate expiring Dec. 31 — as an "agreement on the withdrawal of U.S. troops," and Washington welcomed the Cabinet's approval.
It looks like we will have a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq soon. There are a couple of more steps, but there should be no major problem now. We may have just averted a big problem. As of December 31st, we would have had no legal right to operate within Iraq and our troops would have been left in a very precarious position. This is the agreement that NObama had tried to kill until after Jan. 20th so that HE could take credit for it. I still think he should have been prosecuted for that! He could spend 3 years in jail for it, instead of spending 4 years as POTUS. Where in Hell is the justice??
The rest of the article can be found by following this link. Americans and Iraqis can breath a little easier now, thanks to a lot of hard work on both sides, mainly ours.
ah good news my friend..yes!
question, how does this agreement affect Obama's promise of withdrawing the troops?
Angel, it's a good start. The full parliament has to vote on it, but it is expected to ratify SOFA with a solid majority. Then the President and vice Presidents have to sign off on it. I would expect completion well before Christmas, maybe by the 3oth of Nov.
Griper, I'm not sure. I would imagine that 8 to 10 of the remaining 15 combat brigades would be out by the end of 2009. That would be both close to what NObama wants and about what conditions on the ground would call for. As I understand the agreement, the end of 2011 is the final pullout, but I don't think we are obligated for that length IF it is not necessary. We should learn of all the particulars once it is fully accepted, maybe sooner.
Yeah, as griper said, Obama just announced he's getting the troops out asap. Somehow i don't think he cares much if the place goes to hell as he sees it as Bush's war.
So i don't know what validity any agreements and approvals Iraqis give will have. The message is pretty clear, hang in there for a little while longer and America will be gone, obama hasn't got the stomach and AQI can come back in and take over.
Change we can believe in!
Our troops died to give the Iraqis a chance of a better life and the Obamanation is going to flush their blood down the toilet with a his perpetual sneer of contempt for ordinary Americans, including those he snookered into voting for him.
Good news!
I read this different...I want to go to Iraq and say:
What, did America have to freakin' BEG to stay?
MK: Obama doesn't care about America doing to hell, why would he care about IRAQ?
Wait..there's news Obama's saying today "As soon as possible?" What's the POSSIBLE defined as.
I have to go or I'll get too furious. See ya, AA!! (and YES, I do see this as better than not, but...the IRONY, the NERVE...oooo grrr!)
just checkin in my friend..my site is still down..ugh!
I am particularly interested in the provision pertaining to what constitutes off-duty status for GIs. I don't the Iraqis to get their hands on them without any UCMJ protection. I saw firsthand how GIs were treated by the Japanese Police on Okinawa when I was assigned to the Armed Forces Police. It wasn't justice as we know it. This is a good start, but I want to see the final product. Good post.
MK, I think our military is close enough to the finish line that even that asshole won't be able to screw us up to bad, at least that's my hope.
Ya DD2, we can believe it all right--change for the worst.
Shoprat, he does not march to the beat of the same drummer as we do, that is for sure. Our troops, both alive and past, deserve a much better CIC than him, that is for certain! Any one of them has more patriotism in their little finger than the whole damn NObama claBrooke, yes it is good news, at least it's a start. I am confident that the other Iraqi politicians that have to sign off on it will.
I wholeheartedly agree with you Z. They have balls asking us for any compromises on it. They actually wanted us to let them have judicial control of our troops at all times. I'd have told them to go pound sand, and that is basically what we did.
Angel, that sucks! I'll be over shortly, hopefully it is up and running by then. Good luck!
L&OTeacher, yes, that bothers me also. I guess it is kind of standard in our SOFA's, but in a country like Iraq, with Sharia law, it sets a real bad precedent. Our people may end up spending their free time on the bases now.
Shoprat, he does not march to the beat of the same drummer as we do, that is for sure. Our troops, both alive and past, deserve a much better CIC than him, that is for certain! Any one of them has more patriotism in their little finger than the whole damn NObama clan!
Brooke, yes it is good news, at least it's a start. I am confident that the other Iraqi politicians that have to sign off on it will.
Great blog that you have here. I'm looking to blog roll you if you are willing to blog roll me back as well. Let me know.
And when this occurs, what will happen with the terrorists sent from Iran? Increase? Will Iran scream for our return?
Yes, it's a start, I have to read the nitty-gritty before I pass a judgement. I already said my piece as far as the control of our military is concerned. I am glad that something got done before OB got his hands on it.....stay well....
Christopher, I would want to see your blog brfore I make that decision and right now I am unable to do so.
BZ, if we are unable to get this thing done, we have no choice but to hunker down and start bringing our people home. Iran would most definitely take advantage of such a move. Some in Iraq want exactly that to happen, but I believe most Iraqis hope and pray that we will stay until their government can maintain a solid, stable country. They, and we have paid most of the price already, it would be a terrible mistake to throw in the towel at this late stage. I don't think that is what will happen. Even NObama has to know he must change his original plans.
Tapline, I don't think we will find a SOFA that is much different than many we already are party to. I also am glad that NObama's fingerprints will not be on this. He tried, and I personally think he should be behind bars for three years for what he tried to pull. Pretty spineless to not go after him on that stunt. Had I been calling the shots, that incident would, at the very least, have been thoroughly investigated. I feel certain that he did in fact breech the Logan Act.
I thought more about Veterans Day. It brought a lot of memories back. Check my post. Thanks.
It IS a good start.
just checkin in!
I'm thankful that my fellow conservative bloggers have such intelligence and character. God bless you, and have a happy Thanksgiving!
L&OTeacher, I'll stop by and check it out. Just got back to blogging after a week hiatus.
David, thank you for dropping in. Yes, it is a good start, and in fact, I just read where their parliament passed it today with a comfortable margin. All that is left is for the President and V.P.s to sign off on it.
Thanks Angel, I'll be dropping in to see you shortly. Wow, I can't believe it's been over a week!
PCC, you have a wonderful Thanksgiving also. I just got home from a HUGE meal and I have to do it all over again on Saturday. Nasty job, but someone has to do it. Ha, I'm so stuffed, I feel like the turkey must have felt!
Happy Thanksgiving!
hiii nice blog and I like it, $$mile 4 u today and dropping too
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