There is a Civil War brewing right next door on our southern border and neither party of our callous government seems to care at all. Sooner or later this thing will explode. America is already stuck in the middle, and the only real question is, how badly will we get involved. We have been screaming at our do-nothing politicians (both parties) for years now and still, NOTHING GETS DONE! Here is a preview of the Jan. 18th article by Michael Webster, Investigative Reporter, for the American Chronicle.
A full scale civil war is underway in Mexico. The Mexican President Felipe Calderon and the powerful drug cartels that operate unmolested throughout Mexico are locked in a battle over control of the country. With tens of thousands of the Mexican army fully deployed and often fighting Zetas´ (ex-Mexican army Special Forces trained in the U.S.) who is now working for the cartels. The Mexican government has not been able to curtail the on going gruesome and erupting new violence and confrontations between the two warring parties throughout Mexico. This relentless fighting with casualties on both sides is in truth and scope a civil war. Mexico try´s to hide that fact and the United States is apparently in total denial....
In 2008, more people lost their lives in Mexico do to violence then were lost in the war torn countries of Iraq and Afghanistan combined....
Execution-style murders, beheadings, dismemberings and kidnappings are common now in every state in Mexico on a daily basis. Gun battles are frequent events in Mexico City and in Mexican towns all along the border.... Mexican border town officials have crossed into the U.S. seeking asylum, fearing for their lives....
A group calling itself the Juárez Citizens Command is threatening to strike back against lawlessness that has gripped the city for a long time they say that they are striking back by killing one criminal a day until order and piece is restored. A potential rise in vigilante justice in Juárez is expected by some experts to spread throughout Mexico and would raise the steaks and escalate an already dangerous and bloody civil war....
Mexican civil war is also spilling over into the U.S. Reports of incursions into the U.S. by heavily armed men in Mexican army uniforms (and often driving U.S.-made Humvees) now occurs on a regular basis. Sometimes the "soldiers" are cartel men, probably ex-Mexican army; sometimes they are real Mexican army. In many cases, their purpose is to escort and protect a drug run into the U.S. and back off any lightly armed local sheriff or Border Patrol agent in the way....
The evidence is clear Mexico is in a civil war and this civil war is happening in America´s back yard in a neighboring country of a population of well over 100 million people. A 2000 mile open border and with corrupt officials operating on both sides of the Rio Grande River. There are estimates that the Mexican cartels produce, smuggle and sell some $300 billion worth of drugs into the U.S. annually. These drugs are poisoning our children and violently killing citizens on both sides of the U.S. Mexican border.
The picture above this post, AP photo by Gregory Bull, is of men arrested by Mexican federal police in Mexico City on Jan. 22, 2008. They are allegedly members of the Sinaloa drug cartel. Quite an assortment of weapons I'd say. What looks like clothing is body armor. I urge you to read this entire article by visiting this link, and then follow this link for another eye-opening, and gory piece I know you will like. A rather interesting way to dispose of the bodies.
it would be politically incorrect to do anything about this....
Yeah Kris, we don;t wanna offend all the amigos and senorita's robbing us blind do we? (dumba**ed PC police ruining our country)
That's a good article American and the best solution? Finsh the dang wall like I ragged about on my blog the other day no? Close the door and electrify it by having all the illegals in southwest prisons run on treadmills like gerbils to create the electricity. That's what you'd get if I was elected president/
And I justmight pretend to be a dim dem now and run myself since we know any dumb a** can win liberals over if he or she can come up with some great slogan like "Duhhh Yes We Can!! What Morons man!!!! Thanks
Kris, well of course it would. We can't go resorting to racism now can we? Those poor Mexicans are just trying to better themselves and besides, "they're only doing jobs Americans don't want to do".
Chicago Ray, you have the added benefit of being from Chicago. We all know how mighty that political machine is. You might however have a rough time pretending to be one of them, you seem much to intelligent to get away with it.
I'd like to have a few of those weapons in that picture if the going gets rough up here.
Allow me to begin stating that I am Mexican. I'd like to point out a few things about your post:
1)If the USA wasn't the largest drug consumer in the world, Mexican drug cartels would be powerless.
2)Where do you think Drug Cartels get their weapons from? That's right, they buy them in the USA.
3)I do believe there is some kind of civil war in México. Drug Cartels are fighting themselves rather violently, and the government (local, state and federal) is fighting all the cartels. Many cities (like Culiacán or Chihuahua) have shootigns in broad daylight almost on a daily basis.
4)Most of the illegal immigrants are not drug dealers. Most drug dealers stay in México, since their dollars have somewhat more relative value in México.
5)A fence won't solve anything about the drug cartels. Didin't you see the narco-tunnels found a few years ago?
6)If you really want to solve the Drug Cartel issue, you can (a) Allow mexican government to legalize drugs (at least some), (b) send US troops to help Mexican Military fight Drug Cartels and assist with intelligence (FBI, DEA, etc.), (c) Allow for a free-market competition between Mexican and American farmers and agricultural producers, so Drug dealing is not the only choice some mexican peasants have if they want to improve their socio-economical status.
Hector: I thought about #1. Yes, the US is such a big player in this.
I know that most immigrants to the US are not drug dealers. If you really want to take care of the drug dealer problem in the US, you'd deport the native-born ones first.
I do not have much against immigrants who come here to work. They do not "steal" jobs. They earn them by being better at them.
As for #6, I do not agree with increasing drug abuse. But I do think that trade restrictions on the legal products should be reduced.
Shoprat, that is quite the collection isn't it. I have owned guns all my adult life. So far, it has been just for hunting purposes, except during 3 years in Uncle Sam's Army. I hope it can stay that way, but it is always good to "be prepared" as the Boy Scouts say.
Hector, welcome to a conservative yankee's blog. I went for a stroll in your blog, and I will say that although we are quite divergent in our politics, you seem at least to be respectful of opposing opinions.
I would suggest 1 word be changed in your profile. I'm not sure that "unvaluable" is a word, but if so, it would mean "having no value". I think the word you want is "invaluable".
In response to your comment, I'll number the points as you did.
1.I agree.
3.I agree, I know, and it is a terrible situation.
4.I partially agree, to many dealers are on this side of the border.
5.I agree. Politicians with enough balls to let our brave border security personal do their jobs would be a good start. The second step could be to throw employers who knowingly hire illegals in jail. We wouldn't have to jail to many before the rest would smarten up.
6.(a)In Mexico, OK.(b)I agree, in fact I said something close at another blog a couple of days ago. DEA, FBI, and the Marines. (c)I agree. Actually, I was under the impression that was already the case. Just be more careful of Salmonella from now on.
A lot of agreement here. My original post may have been a bit abrasive and if I offended you, I'm sorry. I don't intend to blame average Mexicans so much as both governments for fostering conditions that allow, and in fact, promote this flow into the U.S. of both illegal drugs and illegal immigrants. I hope you'll return, you will be welcomed.
Dmarks, my last comment took so long, you snuck in without me seeing you. I see we come very close on the answers, now if only the politicians of both countries would do their jobs for a change. Where is that damned "change" we heard so much about anyway?
Thanks for the word correction. i really appreciate it :o).
"Actually, I was under the impression that was already the case. Just be more careful of Salmonella from now on."
In theory it's somehow the case. however, the FDA closes the US border with any excuse, to protect US producers. If ONE cow from ONE ranch in Durango has mad-cow disease, the border closes to ALL northern producers for two years.
Also, the subsidies handed out to US producers (but not to Mexican ones) make it a very asymetric competition.
You are welcome in my blog, too.
Average: It was my fault :) Héctor is my only Mexican reader, and I directed him to your post. I figured he would add a lot to the discussion.
Not to worry dmarks, He's more than welcome, as are you. I don't have a problem with Mexicans as long as they are law abiding people. At least he's not a profusely bleeding heart liberal like the ones American Power attracts. Wow, better him than me.
You might find this interesting.
It's in Spanish... I hope that's not a problem.
The apathy of the American gov't and the corruption of the Mexican gov't makes this problem fester.
As far as I'm concerned, drug dealers on either side of the border should be met with proportionate force and killed.
Hector, looks like greek to me. I don't know more than 2 or 3 words in Spanish. Could you give the gist of it in English?
Brooke, the governments certainly do compound the situation. We do have the means to eradicate the problem on this side of the border, IF, the government will just grow some balls and do it. I'm sure we could be of MAJOR help to the Mexican government IF we had a mind to and IF the Mexican government would accept our help. It's mostly a matter of wanting to cure the problem. God only knows what is holding up the works. If the 2 governments want to lower the populations of both countries, then they are on the right track. If not, then they better get off their asses and DO SOMETHING!
I'll believe it's a civil war going on over there only when NBC says so [/sarcasm]
And the Department of Justice just announced that drug lords in Mexico are the single biggest organized-crime threat to the U.S.
Wordsmith, I pretty much stay away from TV news except when I'm at my favorite watering hole. They keep the sound off, but I catch some of the closed captions. The big screen is always on CNN, the worst of the bunch, but---oh well. Why is it that John Travolta's son's death gets, oh say, 100 hours of coverage since it happened, and yet, CNN has not yet, to my knowledge, aired anything about the shit going on down below the border??? Only on Lou Dobbs do you hear ANYTHING even remotely connected. Just where the F### are their priorities???
PCC, yes, and that is an understatement of huge proportions. Somebody in our government had better wake up pretty soon and smell the f###ing coffee! At this point, I don't even care which party does it. Just do something!
Glenn Beck is my new favorite guy to watch now that he is on the Fox News Channel, he was discussing this very issue yesterday on his show and mentioned he will be following it. Somebody's got to, all Obama and Pelosi want to do to help the Mexican situation is to offer them money to abort more babies. Way to go, Democrats, great priorities (not!)
I can't find a newstory in English. So I'll give you the main idea of the link.
There's this movie that was produced by a Drug dealer, nicknamed "El Muletas". The movie is called El Muletas al Cien, which could mean (a)El Muletas -that is, the guy -to El Cien -If that's the nickname of someone else, or (b)El Muletas, at 100 (as in at 100km/h).
The movie is only distributed in "puestos pirata" (where you buy piracy products), but it is a huge hit in Tijuana.
As I told you, many poor kids want to grow up to become Drug Dealers. Maybe if they weren't that poor and marginalized, they'd prefer an honest life...
Beth, did you ever in your life think we could sink so low? I would not have believed this threshold existed. Here we are with the line of secession that resembles the 3 stooges. NObama, Joe "the gaffe" Biden, and "queen liberal bitch" Pelosi. You know the saddest part is that I think we may have the least of the 3 evils at the top of the pile right now. How terribly sad is that?
Hector, thanks for the interpetation of that. It sounds like this guy, El Muletas, is trying to glorify drug dealing, probably to recruit new gang members, with this film. The answer has to be a combination of education and raising the living conditions and hopes of the people. This war on drugs is equally a war on poverty and ignorance. It will be a long and an expensive war, but it is one that has to be fought and won. I have absolutely no doubt that the U.S. will step up to the plate. I just hope it is soon enough! Being there yourself, you must see a lot more than we read about. I'd be interested in your perspective on things.
it would be politically incorrect to do anything about this....exactly!..besides Pres Hussein luvs illegals!
These are just good 'ol capitalists making a buck.
Just like the opium farmers in Afghanistan that we can't eradicate.
Better get the profit out of this business somehow but I'm gonna bet that just all kinds of people are making a fortune in the drug trade.
It isn't going to change and it just gets worse. Too much profit.
The drug cartels vs. the government ... WTF, this is news? I don't know how old you are, but this struggle has been going on for at least the last 30 years. The Mexican citizens amaze me; who would want to be a public servant in this environment? Yet, year after year, there is a "new" set of characters, willing to risk death, murders/rapes of their families. Impressive to me!
Angel, the libs all love illegals. That's a potential extra 20 million votes if/when they get them legalized.
Ducky, did you follow the link and read the article? Yes, I would have to say $300 Billion a year is a "fortune".
Anomynous, I'll respond in case you come back, but please, use some kind of a name in the future, just a first name is fine. You're right, it isn't news, but it is escalating rapidly and that is new. Almost 6000 murders last year alone. More and more, the violence is crossing the border. Ramos and Compean won't be the only agents shooting people, just a matter of time and that will be a common occurance. I guess like anywhere else, you will always find some brave souls ready to take a stand and do the right thing. Be thankful that is the case. Oh, ya, I almost forgot, I'm probably older than you.
Hector, you are 100% correct. This mess IS big and it IS news. Both of our governments have a vested interest in taking care of it. I don't know if you consider it a "civil war" or not, but when a large part of the population fights against their government it might just be. This will only get worse unless the proper steps are taken to end it. Nobody but us little peons seem to give a shit. THAT is a shame and a disgrace.
Hey, check out my blog. I just posted about it. You might find it interestign.
Hector, I checked it out, good post!
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