The fun begins! ACORN plans to save all the homes that would be foreclosed on if they didn't stick their nose into it. I wonder how much tax money THAT will cost us. It almost sounds like they are threatening violence. Of course, they are being careful not to phrase it that way, but you can bet that violence WILL flare up when they try to stop a home from being taken over, especially the ones already vacated that they think they can just march right back into. You know, the banks and the government are already working on a solution that is going to cost us WORKING taxpayers, who actually DO pay taxes, a fortune. Why does ACORN think they just HAVE to be a part of the problem? Can you say PAY OFF!!!!???? Here's the link to ACORN's own website article with the disgusting details. Be sure to see page two also so you can sign-up to be a "HOME DEFENDER"! TA DAT TA DA!! Is that like a superman or spiderman or wonder woman or something? Here I come to save the daaaaaay! Mighty Mouse is on his waaaay! Won't that be fun, staging a sit-in with a really cool bunch of the nicest people you ever want to meet? Just think, you can take a break from your daily grind of working just to pay for the things that Uncle Sam would be glad to give you, and why work to pay those nasty taxes, nobody else does these days. Here's the first couple of paragraphs:
On Feb. 19, ACORN members will launch a new tactic in fighting foreclosures: civil disobedience. Participants in the ACORN Home Savers campaign nationwide will simply refuse to move out of foreclosed homes, or in some cases, will move back in. ACORN homesteaders intend to squat in their homes until a comprehensive, federal solution for people facing foreclosure is put in place.
"What else can you do?" asks Louis Beverly, co-chair of the Baltimore ACORN Foreclosure Fighters. "After you've used all your legal options, your last resort is civil disobedience. We're talking about families who have been in their homes 20 or 30 years. People who are assets in the community, who look out for the elderly, who have community associations, and these are the people being kicked out of the community."

Utterly amazing, isn't it? Gangsta White House policies are empowering gangsta organizations, to take control of whatever they deem is owed to them. (As if LBJ's Great Society didn't do enough damage.)
People that have been living in their homes 20 - 30 years? If they are still paying on it, their payments are like $200 a month.
Read a column in the Grand Rapids Press today. Columnist said the mortgage bailout package wasn't fair but life wasn't fair. I've heard this attitude before and it pisses me off.
Vote Democrat and help make life more fair Chuck.
Mr. Sunsett, welcome! It's right out of the Chicago playbook. Saul Alinski couldn't have planned this any better. The same names and the same organizations just keep popping their ugly heads up don't they? And the masses STILL don't see it. I think we are getting some of the more moderate NObama voters waking up, but we need to reach a lot more. This shit, this railroading every party plank and scheme through happens every time the Presidency and both houses are all in the same hands. Its a BAD situation and it doesn't matter which party it is. There is NO balance of power.
Chuck, since the government, in it's frigging wisdom was at least half to blame for this whole God Damned mess, I suppose the government has to do something to correct the situation, BUT, A BIG BUT, ACORN should have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!! Also, it should be case by case. Any one who got a mortgage with no down payment and miniscule payments based on their friggin welfare checks should NOT get bailed out. If people should never have gotten a loan to begin with, WHY IN THE F### SHOULD THEY GET ONE NOW??
Truth, now that was a disgusting thing to say. Check Websters, "fair" does not mean "free".
Brooke, about enough to make a person puke isn't it?
Well they wouldn't be a radical, far-leftist organization if they didn't think that someone else (those who actually work) must pay for all their fancy schemes now would they.
In a way it's a good thing, things have to get worse and people need to learn from the pain of having the left run the show before they learn their lessons.
His entire team is made up of inexperienced immature, rudderless idealogues.
Maybe Jimmie Carter or Danny Glover & Harry Belafonte will come to the rescue?
I love your blog and agree with it all.
Good job AA.
I couldn't resist that jab at Chuck AA. In reality, I'm closer to you on this issue. My wife and I bought our houses responsibly. Across the street from me is a neighborhood fiull of 200 to 450,000 dollar homes and half of the people living in them either make the same or less as my family. They made their beds with the help of morons that loaned them more than they could afford to pay back. They knew what they were doing but chose to take their chances. They lost. I don't want to bail them out either.
Yep - the irresponsible have found their "savior" & elected him to the White House. Now it's payback, and the rest of us are going to pay for it.
AA, Where is the FBI and why aren't they responding??? or do they have their marching orders?????not to interfere....I don't get it. lawbreakers are lasbreakers and should be held accountable..... If they would start prosecuting some of the enablers and those making certain banks took bailout money under cohorcion (sp)....I would feel better...Makings those responsible for this mess accountable. That's what I want. not excuses and Pot calling the kettle black....That doesn't get it......I'm rambling again....stay well...
ACORN got all those poor suckers into this mess in the first place. And now they're showing their selective memory? Give me a break.
Good post. As for housing being a right, I don't get it. I didn't get help from anyone when I bought my first house for get this, $20,900, using my GI Bill. Pay your bills, move up in the housing market. I guess I just don't get it.
You bought your first house long before I started paying taxes Lawman. But my parents are glad their taxes helped a Veteran purchase his first home. They would also be glad if the GI Bill helped you go to college.
Thanks for your service.
MK, I guess there will always be people who have absolutely no problem spending other people's money. That afterall is what politicians do. But at least WE elect them. I have a bigger problem with my taxes being squandered by people who we did not get to vote for and with whom I vehemently disagree.
Winston, thank you for dropping by and commenting. "Rudderless", very good adjective, it fits just right! I've always said that a truely great leader surrounds themselves with the highest caliber of people they can assemble. NObama didn't even come close to that. It's a real shame because he could SURE USE THEM!
Debbie, thank you very much for the kudos and, by the way, you also have a great blog.
Truth, see, I knew you weren't a full-blooded liberal. You look at issues one at a time and draw a conclusion. We don't agree on everything, but I hold out hope for you anyway. I know you probably don't view Reagan as the best of Presidents, but it was him that coined the term "safety net" in relations to government programs for the needy. I agree with that philosophy 100%. Being on the Government dole should never turn into a career, but for millions, it has.
Tom, unfortunately we will end up paying. We have to remember though that not all the blame goes to the people with the shaky mortgages. The bankers get a chunk of the blame too, as does the government, and particularly the organizations such as ACORN who pushed and bullied the banks to lend stupidly and they also pushed the home owners to get in over their heads. Plenty of blame to plenty of sources.
Tapline, I agree. They could start by fully exposing Barney Frank (arrrg, I don't believe I just said that) Chris Dodd and a few others for their parts in it. Then Fannie and Freddie, many bank CEOs, especially Franklin Raines and last but CERTAINLY not least, ACORN and community organizers, especially NObama.
PCC, the Community Reinvestment Act and ACORNs part in pushing mortgages was not working all that bad until the law got "tweaked" in 1995. It was OK to make the banks stop "redlining" but when they carried it further and didn't require a down payment or extremely small down payments, when they got WAY WAY to lax on the terms of these loans like using welfare checks and other non-earned income as the basis for "can this family afford this loan", that's when things turned to shit.
Truth, be nice now. Read the above comment again please. ACORN had a lot to do with this mess. There is no denying it and you know it.
L&O Teacher, I bought my house in 1976. I applied for a GI loan but there was SO MUCH red tape that I finally ran out of time and patience and got a standard bank loan. They knocked off 1/2%, so I paid 9% for 30 years instead of the 8 1/2% GI loan rate at the time. I paid every penny by myself and I don't owe the bank or the government anything, NOT EVEN A THANK YOU!!
Truth, quick question. Why do you still sport a picture of Screaming Howard Dean as your avatar? You are nothing like him.
AA: I didn't follow ACORN doings and still don't. I don't have time to champion all liberal stuff. Redlining's a dangerous subject. Either side you take you're called bigot or welfare whore. Fixing bad neighborhoods starts with the people that live there. Sometimes local governments can implement a tax break for those that buy in depressed areas to bring in homeowners. But different neighborhoods have different home values. If you don't like it buy a house in some other neighborhood.
The Dean picture is for the same reason I went back to my "Truth101" moniker. Just to irk extreme right wingers that are easily irked. I took great pleasure when Professor Douglas addressed me as "Truth." If I changed my name do you think he would allow me to come back to his site?
I think more people would be inclined to read what you say if you didn't spend so much time playing at poking people in the eye. Having been a cop, my skin's pretty thick nowadays, so I don't take offense at much. Thanks for the acknowledgement.
Truth, I didn't see where he banned you. You conduct yourself fine here, I don't expect to agree with everyone all the time. What fun would that be? If you want to comment on his blog, just ask him. The worst case would be a resounding no, but I think you may be surprised.
L&O Teacher. My goal is and has been to get Truth closer to the center. He's not as far left as many others and I haven't given up on him yet. Maybe with a little luck he could end up a little right of center, just a little.
If you blogged in my old clique you would consider me tame. I try to behave myself Lawman. You and AA strike me as stand up guys. If I get too ridiculous or disrespectful I have no doubt AA will use his delete finger at the appropriate time. I trust his judgement. I can't say the same for The Professor.
DOn't you understand? They are entitled to those homes! Seriously though, this is just another case of how out of whack the thinking in America is today.
Everyone who plays by the rules gets screwed time and time again, while people who don't follow the rules are rewarded. I think we are the suckers here.
It is so ddamned maddening!
At the expense of engaging in a lovefest, I don't expect to agree with you all the time either. You too, strike me as a guy whose willing to take an ass whipping to give his opinion. I respect that as I'm sure AA does. We respect people who are willing to fight. To be otherwise is to be a pansy. That's enough testoterone for the day.
Truth, I have never even considered deleting any of your comments. So far, I have seen nothing requiring any such action. I appreciate your civility and always try to act in a like manner. People have to learn to "agree to disagree". We evidently have mastered that art.
Mr. Pink Eyes, I have to admit that this whole home mortgage thing is frustrating the Hell out of me. On the one hand, I ABHOR my tax money going to bail out people who got way in over their heads in a mortgage they could never afford. On the other hand, there are MANY homeowners who are in trouble for entirely different reasons, most noteably being laid off. Through no fault of their own, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. I would like to see these people manage to hang onto there home and if the government has to "lend" them enough to get over the hump, I am OK with that. In some cases it is a fine line and this crap has to be considered on a case by case basis. The blanket approach just won't do.
L&O Teacher, I believe that is called being "level-headed". To bad there wasn't more of it.
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