I don't believe it, I missed my own Blogaversary! Tuesday February 12th, 2008 was when I blogged the first of a total of 123 posts. I have certainly met a lot of special people since then. I won't even try to name you all because I know I'd miss some and that wouldn't be a good thing. Besides, you all know who you are. Thank you every one for all the comments, great posts, and your support. I look forward to many more good conversations with all of you.
Joe, the "Average American"
You missed your blogosverary?
I hope your blog doesn't have you sleeping on the couch.
You know what, I looked at my blogroll the other day and I realized how long you have been on there, lol
Happy late blogoversary!!!
Happy Blogoversary. I want you to have many more. Take care and have fun.
COngrats! And happy blogaversry.
From one Joe to another, congratulations and thanks for letting me be a part of your conversations.
Congrats and many, many more.
The word verification word.
Time flies when you are having fun, huh?
Keep up the good work!
Thanks to all of you for dropping by and for the great times and deep conversations we have had over the past year. May there be plenty more ahead of us.
Brooke, only 1 night on the couch, and that is because it was where I happened to be when I fell asleep.
Happy anniversary Joe, good to hear this is going and you're staying in the game. May there be many more such anniversaries.
Congratulations! Surviving the first year is very exciting.
MK, I'll be here for a long time, God willing.
Wordsmith, thank you, and yes, once I realized it was here, and past, there was some excitement. I mixed myself a drink.
Keep it up man and you too can have 5661 posts like I've done. Congratulations and good job.
Ray, 5661 posts, that is way above my pay grade. I'm good for no more than 1 per day, maybe 2 as an exception.
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