Thursday, February 26, 2009

Freedom Under Fire: U.N. Anti-Blasphemy Resolution - With Christopher Hitchens

The 18th comment was mine, reprinted here so you don't have to go looking for it. Sorry for the vulgarity, but, understand, I was REALLY PISSED OFF! Is there no end to the insanity?

"Fuck the United Nations, fuck Islam, and fuck the 57 Islamic countries pushing this bullshit!! Tell the UN to find another country to set up in and use that valuable space for something else, and GET OUT OF THAT PISSANT ORGANIZATION! "


The Griper said...

they want to call for a binding resolution, well, i say we call for a binding revolution.

and we voted a political party into office that decries the fact we do not follow the the edicts of the UN.

seems like that a day does not go by that doesn't make Bush look better and better.

Chuck said...


One question. Will Imanutjob in Iran stop attacking Judaism?

We need to kick the UN out and withdraw.

My one final thought on this is can we, with all we know of Obama, feel absolutely certain he will shoot this down?

Average American said...

Griper, it is WAY past time we pulled out of the UN. It is just a huge waste of money and effort. Take our land back and let them build a new HQ in Muslim territory somewhere, it is pretty much a muslim organization now anyway. Yeah, I sure do miss President Bush. He wasn't perfect----until one compares him to this "monkey"! Screw you too Al Sharpton.

Chuck, Imanutjob will continue attacking Judaism, the Hindus and Muslims will continue arguing in India, and I will keep calling them towel heads. If that crapola law ever comes, I will still call them towelheads and I will still claim that mohammed was a fucking pervert and if someone wants to do something about it, they better be packing!

Average American said...

We can not depend on NObama. He will either flip a coin to see which way to go, or he will let the Wicked Bitch of the West, aka Nasty Piglosi decide.

Anonymous said...

More importantly we the Republican party better start thinking about 2012. Because Bobby Jindal did not impress me at all.
What the Hell were the Republicans thinking? I am simply astonished at their complete stupidity. They bring up Katrina which certainly emphasized Republican Governmental incompetence and tell us they the best way to get through the current emergency (economic crisis) is to have a repeat performance of their Katrina response. The American people can do anything - rejecting the GOP platforms included. Now that there economic message is falling on deaf ears they will move to the "moral" issues. Anti-abortion and and anti-gay agenda moves to the forefront. I bet we see a duel Governor ticket of Sanders and Palin or Pawlenty and Palin from the GOP in 2012. Jindal is done. I expect the GOP will not let him back on the stage anytime soon. The majority of Republicans currently in office are a parody of themselves. They will attempt to purge the moderates in their party in the next three election cycles.
So I think if they go with Jindal in 2010, we are in deep doo doo.
Jindal and Steele are both self-serving tokens.
They don't care that they've been chosen as the "New" face of the GOP because they are minorities, just as Palin didn't care that she'd been chosen because she's a woman.

Average American said...

Mary, you just pretty much explained WHY I quit being a Republican a year or so ago. I'm still conservative on economic issues and many social issues, but the Republican party has deserted me, and millions of others like me. They better get their act together or we will be screwed for a long long time. If they think they can win without the moderates in this country, they are SADLY mistaken!

Z said...

Good to get this out here, Average.

Chuck, of course, has the brilliant point...will Iran be chastised publicly for denying the holocaust, attacking Jews, etc? Of course not.

As for your interpretation of the amendment? I think you should be angrier and swear more.
Seriously! You were too toned down :-)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It has been my contention that Islam has been hijacked by thugs with a perverse view of God's (Allahs?) Will. Muslims have allowed themselves to be bullied by these thugs into going along with their twisted views. Now they want to hijack the UN. WE've been held hostage by mideast oil since I was 10 years old. I don't know what Obama or UN Rep Susan Rice will say or do. It will get vetoed in the Security Council anyway. But it is bullshit nonetheless.

Law and Order Teacher said...

The UN where do I start? The concept was crap when it was tried in the Treaty of Versailles as the League of Nations.

Thankfully the "irreconcilables" in the Senate saw through the vapidness of the idea and wouldn't approve the treaty, much to the chagrin of the most fascist president in American history Wilson.

Japan attacked Manchuria and Italy attacked Ethiopia and the League did nothing. WWII ensued. The UN is even worse because it uses its power to get back democracies. Dobbs is right. Bulldoze it!

Tapline said...

Although I rarely go along with Chris on anything he is spot on when it comes to the UN Blasphemy Resolution. forget who had him on but, I think it was Lou Dobbs...Maybe not, but anyway he was spot on.....We haven't even reacted on th bash Israel being thrown around lately at the UN and So much is going on around here similtaneously, It's hard to keep ones head above water.....stay well....

shoprat said...

Sometimes it seems as if the UN exists for two reasons. To destroy America and Christianity and to destroy Israel and the Jews.

Average American said...

Z, what holocaust? I don't believe you want me to cuss even more. I thought I overdid it as it was. I know many people are offended by it, but when I get REALLY ticked off, I just have to. If I decide to run for office next go-round, I will not tone it down. That is the main reason I probably won't. The poor media would run out of bleeps.

Truth, we should have pulled out of the UN YEARS ago, maybe this will be the straw that breaks the camels back. I hope so.

L&O Teacher, I'd say you and I are on the same wavelength, no need to preach to the choir!

Tapline, yes, it was Lou Dobbs. For an Independant, he has been on the right side of most things lately, at least as far as I am concerned. His stance on border security and illegals is FANtastic. I watch him when I get the chance.

Brooke, why would they, Judaism isn't a religion. Islam is the ONLY true religion so it is all that is protected by this insanity. That is a pretty nice chunk of real estate being wasted, I wonder what we could use the buildings for. Send the UN packing, I would suggest the Pakistan/Afghanistan border. I hear the weather is nice this time of year and one might even catch a quick glimpse of the pretty drones before the missile hits.

Average American said...

Shoprat, that is 4 reasons, but you are EXACTLY right!

Anonymous said...

I agree with your sentiment, the UN can eff off to hell. Those sniveling scumbags can waffle on about religion, but there is only one religion those leftists scumbags care about and that is Islam.

In a way though let them bring it on, for far too long the western world has been fast asleep and has chosen to believe [through sheer laziness] that the UN is a good place. We need to lose many, many of our freedoms before enough of us will wake up and drive those vipers out of our midst.

Always On Watch said...

Average American,
Before I saw this post of yours, I posted the same video. LOL.

But there is nothing to laugh about when it comes to this U.N. resolution. It is dangerous beyond measure.

If the U.N. is successful, the West will codify the "right" not to be offended. Where will that "right" end? In silencing voices of all sorts and positions.

It's My Choice said...

Bless YOu and people like you who are NOT afraid to tell it like it is.
It's the only Salvation we can count on with this NUT in office.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Good intentions and a well written mission statement don't mask what the U.N. is. I concede. Knock it down.

C.H. said...

Where the fuck was the UN when the people of Rwanda needed "adequate protection" from gangs of machete-wielding militiamen?

Joe, at one time, I was a member of UNA--the United Nations Association--here in San Francisco. I joined because I wanted to do something that could have an impact on events taking place across the world...I was invited to a conference on human rights in Berkeley, and I was looking forward to having the chance to take a stand against some of the world's worst human rights offenders, like Iran, Myanmar, Sudan, etc.

None of those countries were mentioned...instead the only "human rights" they talked about were those of detainees on the battlfield in Iraq and Afghanistan: scumbags who we have caught red-handed trying to mass murder innocent men, women, and children.

They keynote speaker was an Israeli-Arab, and through the afternoon he ranted about this. However, the crescendo of his speech came when he suggested the UN should put "sanctions" on Israel...I stood up and expressed my disagreement with the insantity this man was saying, and I ended up walking out of the conference.

I haven't gone back since.

Tom said...

Does the UN actually think that the Arab countries are going to stop airing anti-Jewish and anti-Western programs on their TV and radio stations? HAH!

I'm for a binding resolution to tell the UN to go pound sand...

Average American said...

MK, I can NOT think of a single good reason to stay in that disgusting organization, NOT ONE! Maybe if we dropped out, many other decent law-abiding countries would follow suit.

AOW, I can't imagine NObama would let this pass. He is everything I detest, but I think even he will have to see this as a VERY BAD move. I stopped by your place, I've been there before, but forgot to add you to the list, I will this time.

My Choice, thank you for dropping by and thanks very much for the compliment. I tried to visit you but no public profile. Drop in any time!

Truth, I just KNEW there was hope for you! I have a feeling that the VAST majority of Americans from both ends of the spectrum will have to agree with us on this issue. The UN is just to damned scary to ignore.

C.H., thank you so very much for the eye-witness account of your experience! Quite an eye-opener!

I try very hard NOT to blame all Muslims C.H., but I think the moderate Muslims absolutely HAVE to stand up and speak out AGAINST what the hardliners are doing and saying. Until they do, I have to hold them suspect and probably sympathetic to the radical elements of their religion. They would almost have to rewrite the Koran, excluding the "death to infidel parts", before they will be widely accepted as true "moderates."

BB-Idaho said...

Hitchens would note there is no
'true religion'..if I read his book correctly...

Average American said...

BB, I have not read his book, but that sounds about right.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine the outrage here and abroad, if the United States wanted a resolution that stated that taking Jesus Christ’s name in vain would be a crime? Yes I know you can imagine.

Average American said...

William Blake, they would throw a MAJOR fit, and then launch a jihad against us, no doubt about it. The difference between us and them is that WE would be against it also, because of separation of church and state issues. It never even crossed the minds of muslims to think in that way, did it.