I found this at http://soapboxgod.blogspot.com/ and thought it was important enough to spread the word. Give soap a visit, no need to copy/paste, he's on my blog list. Wish we had a bunch of politicians like this guy! Can you imagine a US Senator standing up and blasting NObama like that? They might in the news, but not in session.
The bird flu recessionary president?
It's too soon to tell but Trump might be slated for this spot in history.
At any rate it's a far cry from his campaign promises.
19 hours ago
will have to say that politics over there are a spot more spirited than it is here, always has been too. of course i'll make asn exception to that rule with Bush in office. but if you noticed he lambasted the Prime Minister in a far more respectful manner than Bush was treated too.
WOW!! Too bad our politicians do not do this, or if they do, they are not reported by the media.
Politics is truly a dirty business...
Yeah I saw this a while ago. Good for him for standing up. Our politicians are too chicken to take a stand like this.
Why should they take a stand like this? It is too RISKY. They can't risk being isolated from their own party, and they cannot risk losing their office in the next election. Why should they risk their political careers? To stand up like that to the highest office in the country is...well, doing their job as elected leaders and representatives of the people. It's just not high enough in their to-do list.
Griper, I agree, the man was extremely respectful. I'm sure the respect was more for the office than the man though.
Tom, they do do this, but I don't think they do it in public, and if they did, you are right, the media would not report it or it would be reported with a wicked spin.
Kris, it's a damned shame they don't have the balls God gave a squirrel. We only need a few to grow a pair.
Anomynous, maybe standing up and calling a spade a spade would actually ensure they DO get re-elected. Being a frigging wuss is what is going to dethrone them. The worst three examples would be Collins, Snowe, and Spector. They and many demoncraps need to be axed.
AA, I think this is the gentleman that Glenn had on one of his shows. No one can speak English like an Englishman....stay well...
Is he talking about their prime minister of the Obama. They sound an awful lot alike.
Saw this a while ago, good one Joe. He's really lacerating of Brown isn't he. Read enough on gordon brown and what his leftist party has done to Britain and you'll understand how people feel about that parasite.
The fellow was actually too kind to them, if you ask me.
Love to watch clips of the Brittish House. Would be nice if we had someone in our Congress grow a pair and stand up and do this. Course they would be racist if they did.
I'm back up and running..thanks for hangin in with me!:)
I adore Hannan and met a guy the other night who knows him very well..he's only 32 or something! Apparently, he's a good guy all the way around.
We definitely need a guy with his nerve HERE.
Tapline, yes, I believe he was on Glenn Beck a while ago.
Shoprat, it could wee have been either. Both are leftard jerks and control freaks.
MK, he said what had to be said about Brown, and yes, he could have been harsher, but I suppose protocol dictates he be a gentleman.
Chuck, I have been toying with the idea of running myself, but probably won't as I doubt I have a chance. I do however often times daydream about how I would act. Of this I am sure, the press would need to bleep at least 25% of the words, and I would make many friends----and enemies!
Angel, welcome back, glad to hear the good news. I'll be over soon for a visit.
Z, 32, that's great. It means he'll be around fighting the good fight for a long time!
I heard this on Monica Crowley's show...
He was awesome
He sure was Saint, We need some politicians of his kind here.
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