Um, er, maybe "stupid is as stupid does" fits here rather well? This moron is in charge of the U.S. Senate? Scary!
The bird flu recessionary president?
It's too soon to tell but Trump might be slated for this spot in history.
At any rate it's a far cry from his campaign promises.
19 hours ago
Reid understood perfectly well, he just didn't want to get caught saying something that he believed but the Americans are tired of.
It's so voluntary, I am required to file a W-2 with each and every employer I have ever "done business" with since age 16.
There's no threat of force! There are civil penalties! Although, some people can be charged criminally - with loss of liberty and freedom upon conviction... (unless you're appointed to a cabinet position in the Barack administration, of course, when you don't even need to pay the civil penalties).
Yup. He's just the guy to have running the senate - more like crooked is as crooked does. Dirty scab.
Linked -- and with a snerky comment about my own taxes, too.
Stop by tomorrow. I have a video that will make you puke, er ... spit.
The only reason anyone should follow Senator Reid is out of idle curiosity.
Shoprat, yes, of course he understood, but he is still a frigging idiot. Just arguing that our tax is a voluntary one is stupid!
Angie Lee, most tax evaders get whacked with interest, penalties, and a crock of red tape and bullshit. The worst offenders are invited to the White House staff or the Presidents cabinet.
A.O.W., thank you for linking and spreading this around. People need to see how stupid our officials really are.
Chuck, he is one of the three Senators I would most like to see get hung by their balls. I so hope you are correct! Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say "balls" out loud? Piglosi doesn't have "balls." Ah, well, maybe she does. Yeah------she does.
Mustang, I will make it a point to see that! Thanks for the tip.
MK, I can't believe I had that clip stored in my favorites for at least three weeks. I really must clean house so things won't get lost like this again.
We finally just finished ours with our accountant. We didn't HAVE TO, according to Reid, we just figured it would be great FUN to go through the work and the expense.
Tra la Tra lee!!!!$$$ (oh, man)
Mustang, they follow Reid, instead, out of "Idol" curiosity. Spit.
scary indeed my friend!!!
Z, I already cashed my rebate, in case they change their minds. I'm surprised we didn't get an "IOU" instead of a check!
Angel, we need to be afraid, VERY AFRAID!! These people running the show are 100% verifiably insane!
AA. Excellent choice of Video....I don't really think he gets it...Seriously, I think he really thinks Income Taxation is a voluntary program, but if you don't pay voluntarily they will come after you...hom many criminals are halled into court for Tax evasion????? You pay voluntarily or pay the piper.......stay well....
Tapline, he would not be the only American to believe that is true. Edward and Elaine Brown of Plainfield New Hampshire thought that our Federal Income tax was voluntary too. I'm not sure if they still believe that or not. If interested, you may possibly be able to contact them. Ed is currently residing at the United States Penitentiary at Marion, Illinois. Elaine Brown is living separately from her husband at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell, near Fort Worth, Texas. I would guess that they may possibly be living tax-free currently, unless of course they have some sort of unearned income still coming to them. Maybe this is where our government officials who don't pay taxes should be. I'll bet that is what Ed and Elaine think.
Someone ought to refuse to pay their taxes and point to what Reid said. I sure it'll get kicked out of court, but maybe the MSM will run the story and Reid will be remembered for being such a dumbass. No wait, he's a democrat, the MSM wouldn't dare.
I guess I could see how it's voluntary, now that I think about it.
No one is FORCING you to go out and work - doing so is completely voluntary. Unless you have an overdeveloped sense of entitlement and an overwhelming desire to collect a "paycheck" as a result of someone else's labor, you'll work.
But no one is forcing you. You could just become a Dummycrap and wait for your check and foodstamps every month.
Mr Reid stated the obvious FOR DEMORATS, Leftists, Socialists and the Religious Left.
THEIR taxes are voluntary.
YOURS are not.
Let me NOT pay my taxes. I bet I'd find out just how 'voluntary' it really is.
MK, Brooke, Google Edward and Elaine Brown of Plainfield New Hampshire to find out just what happens to Average Americans who decide that taxes are voluntary. Not a pretty story.
Angie Lee, If you want the best of both worlds, add your standard deduction and your personal exemption(s) together to find out how much you can make taxfree and quit your job once you make that much. Let Uncle Sam take care of the rest. Better yet, move to Mexico, become a Mexican citizen, and then SNEAK back over the border. That will ensure maximum freebies from the government, including cheap or free college if needed.
BZ, yeah, that reminds me, add to the previous advice: give up membership in the Republican Party.
AA: That sound like an idea....
I had to laugh, thinking about a post I put up at my place a while back, something to the effect of writing to your congressman to find out how to become an illegal alien.
Might be worth looking into. :)
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