Thursday, August 20, 2009

No Treats From Obama

I just LOVE this dog! He's smarter than 62,000,000 American humans!


Anonymous said...

He's smarter than 99% of the liberals,

Chuck said...

Saw this somewhere else, too funny. Said the same as Lib Basher, smarter than half of the voters

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

I've never seen a single Lib turn their head when they heard the name Barack Obama! Smart dog.

Anonymous said...

I love this dog. I must agree with the others the dog is smarter than half of the people in this country! How sad is that?

Average American said...

I first saw this on someone elses blog but I don't remember where. He is one smart dog, that's for sure. Funny too. There is another dog with a similar intelligence, but so far I have been unable to get the clip to post. I'll keep trying.

WomanHonorThyself said...


Average American said...

Angel, quite the rib tickler huh.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

I love the smug fashion in which the doggie looks casually away.


Brooke said...

We should give that dog the presidency.


MathewK said...


That's a good one.

Σ. Alexander said...

Marvelous dog!

Mr Pink Eyes said...

Now that is one smart dog! Even he knows not to accept anything from this president!
I might steal this for my blog.

Average American said...

BZ, NObama's favorite expression has always been that smug look. I think the dog was just imitating him.

Brooke, why not? He couldn't do any worse!

MK, I laughed my ass off the first time I watched it.

Shah, thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoyed it enough to return. I'll be by to visit yours as soon as I'm done here.

MPE, he really is one smart dog. It must have taken quite a while to teach him that. By all means, feel free to steal it, that's how I got it, and I wish I knew where so I could give a hat tip to whoever it was.