Here's a clip showing a good selection of the signs at the 9/12 tea party in the District of Corruption! I noticed 1 in particular from New Hampshire. "LIVE FREE OR DIE!" which is our state motto up here. This clip, and all the pictures are from New Hampshire, specifically from
The bird flu recessionary president?
It's too soon to tell but Trump might be slated for this spot in history.
At any rate it's a far cry from his campaign promises.
19 hours ago
The signs, the determination, the sacrifice to participate, the coming together of AMERICA was a very important event and the liberals are concerned.
This is an excellen post, and excellent copulation of pictures!!!!! The sleeping GIANT is AWAKE..........
Frankly, I think we have them on the run, we can't rest on our laurels now, we have to push even harder.
Their tactics aren't working, America is reading, paying attention and standing up and fighting. Thank God alot have put the Kool-aid down and picked up a sign, the Constitution and are marching!!!
God Bless America.
LL, I think a lot of people in this movement are moderate leaning liberals. It's the more extreme end of the left that better be worried. Their empire is falling.
Cpdcoppurr, the sleeping giant is indeed awake, and I don't think he is about to nap off again. The lame stream media is still sticking their heads in the sand but the story is getting out anyway. Van Jones was not the last victim and ACORN's troubles have just begun. It's been a good week or two to be conservative or moderate. The tide has finally turned.
The media has a template that every story must pass. Sadly that means some fantasies of the left get priority over an embarrassing truth.
Very true Shoprat. They report what they want to tell us, not what we want to hear. They know best what is important and what is not, at least in their own minds.
The msm are largely leftist in orientation and they are enemies of freedom and liberty, some might not even know it, but that's the truth of the matter. That sign is a true reflection of what the founding fathers would be asking, perhaps not in that language but they would be asking what heck!
And they would not be alone, people from 200, 500 even 1000 years ago might look upon us and ask, you can't buy a house without help from the state, you can't live without the state, damn you guys are soft, fat, weak and undeserving of all that you have.
MK, our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves, no doubt about it.
Hi Average American,
I'd like to start by thanking you for the link to my video! Also I read a good deal from your site and am impressed as well. I was wondering if we could exchange links on our blog-rolls? Also thanks to all who commented on the video and look for another video posted on in the next few days.
AA please email me with your decision
Hey, Joe, where'd you go?
Great Video! Where did you Go, Average American? I Left the Blogosphere for about a Year and when I come back, a lot of the People I used to Interact with are no longer Blogging. Sob!!
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