Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gotta love this pic


Z said...

I'm laughing OUT LOUD! HILARIOUS, AA!! Thanks :-)
I've got to get you back on my blogroll..keep blogging, we need you!


The Born Again American said...

Was that Debbie Wasserman Schultz or David Axlerod with their head up Obama's butt...

Ron Russell said...

His followers have their heads up his a$$ about that far---including Chris Matthews. Thanks for your recent visit to Obama Cartoons. You've got a nice site.

Anonymous said...

Looks like most Libs that I know from these boards

Repub and Proud said...

Looks like most Progressives on these these boards !

Anonymous said...

I know one who fits that discrioptin perfectly

DontBeStupid said...

ATTENTION CONSERVATIVES! President Obama is NOT a Socialist!
"Not even close," say Milos Forman, who actually, y'know, lived under socialism and communism.

I know this will dissapoint the know-nothings who repeat the stupidity that FAUX NOOZ, Gasbag Limbaugh, and various other right-wing pundits, bloggers. and pols continue to promote.

Put that in your friggen pipe and smoke it!!

Average American said...

Thank you all for the visit and comment, they are appreciated.

"Don't be stupid", please refer to the post immediately preceedng this one. It's the one in huge letters with the bright red outline. You can't miss it.

Repub and Proud said...

Good for you!!!
You are the American Dream personified and your opponent is the American Nightmare... They have Joe (it's a big f**king deal) Biden out on the trail trying to shame you because you've only turned in one year worth of tax returns... How about Obama showing us his college transcripts from Columbia, or explaining his multiple Social Security cards... They're worried about tax returns and his Attorney General pardoned Marc Rich... Holder now says he didn't study the case sufficiently or perhaps he wouldn't have... Is that not admitting to incompetence at best and dereliction of duty the worse case scenario??? BTW, Rich's ex wife just denounced her citizenship in an effort to avoid paying taxes...

Let me get this straight, Romney uses perfectly legal tax shelters and Obama supporters just renounce their citizenship... Oh I get it, it only applies to conservatives... I certainly can't speak for Mitt or people like him, but I'd be willing to bet that if the federal government wouldn't waste our tax dollars and borrow money, these wealthy Americans would think harder about not avoiding taxes that are just pissed away by idiots...

We all know how to tell when Obama is lying, because his lips are moving... That's why I'm skeptical when I read on Drudge, "This Will Be My Last Political Campaign No Matter What"... Does he think that after an Obama victory and four more years, he'll be able to declare himself Dictator for life??? The reality is that unless Mitt does what is depicted in the picture above, Obama will slither back into the radical slime from which he came...

So Mitt, stop playing it so carefully and calculated... Get pissed off, show us the fire in your belly... Call him the socialist that he is and show give us a "Mr. Gorbachev tear down that wall" Reagan moment... We the American people now more than ever need a Leader...
Be that leader, give us more than the fact that Obama has failed... It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see his failed policies, but it's going to take a leader to...

Kick Obama Out 2012