Monday, November 4, 2013

ObamaCare website hands out personal information like Halloween candy | Human Events

ObamaCare website hands out personal information like Halloween candy | Human Events

It gets worse and worse by the day!!  I am glad that the Republicans gave up on defunding this piece of shit!  It stands to hurt the dummycrats a lot more this way!  We need them to bleed profusely.  If the Republicans can Maintain a solid majority in the House and capture the Senate, then obastard will truly be a "lame duck" President!  Anything else he wants to do to wreck America will not happen, but then we actually might see the end to his abortion of a healthcare plan, and maybe even a movement to impeach the jerk!


Always On Watch said...

If my individual policy is canceled, I will not use the government web site!

WomanHonorThyself said...

good grief does it get any more pathetic JOE!..I am half passed fed up!..but will keep up the fight if u do my friend!:)

christian soldier said...

1984 anyone--
Govt. monitoring everything we do--